Painted Peacock Art Print


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Wall Art by Renée Rubach is available in metallic prints, canvas gallery wraps or simple prints for your own framing.

Metal Prints  Vibrant, luminescent works of art printed on aluminum.  With ultra-high definition colors and the sharpest print quality in the industry, these prints are a beautiful addition to any room.  They come with an aluminum easel backing which has a float mount hanger for hanging on the wall as well as the easel for free-standing on a table top.

Canvas Gallery Wraps  Printed on archival quality canvas, these prints are UV -coated for protection against scratches, water, and sunlight.  The canvas is mounted with ready to display built-in hardware on the back.

Metallic Prints  Printed on a beautiful Endura Professional photo paper, these prints will be as beautiful decades from now as they are today.  The print comes carefully packaged flat on its own.

Maple Wood Print Wraps  Unique dimensional wall art.  Images are printed directly onto the wood.  The image is wrapped around the 1.5" side edges as well as the front of the piece.  These Wood Print Wraps are finished with a protective laminate, and include sawtooth notches on each edge for easy and convenient hanging.

